Negotiation Bootcamp for Women [Webinar]

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Course Description: According to the most recent census data, women in the United States, on average, earn just 82 cents for every $1.00 that a man earns. Differences in negotiation outcomes extend far beyond just an hourly wage, however. Gender disparities exist with respect to promotions, mentoring, opportunities for organizational leadership, and career progression. In law firms, for example, women are 29% less likely than men to reach the first level of partner than men; 61% of women in law report that they believe it will be harder for them to get ahead professionally because of their gender as compared to only 14% of men. Unsurprisingly, there are many reasons why these disparities exist. Among them are implicit and explicit discrimination in the workplace, long-term systemic inequities, and differences in the way women and men negotiate and react to others in negotiation.

The Negotiation Bootcamp for Women addresses the challenges and opportunities that women face when they negotiate by empowering them with the tools they need to succeed in both the preparation and execution of day-to-day professional and personal negotiations. This special 2 hour webinar introduces women to the fundamental steps required for preparing for and yielding a successful outcome in negotiation. It also pays special attention to the latest research on gender and negotiation by highlighting special dynamics that women face in negotiation. This includes research on aspiration values, bargaining style, ethicality, framing, and gender backlash.

As part of the program, participants will work in small breakout rooms, sharing some of the challenges that they have faced with respect to their own professional and personal negotiations and brainstorming strategies that might help overcome these roadblocks.

Webinar participants can expect to acquire both a general framework for preparing for and measuring success in negotiation as well as specialized advice and perspective on best practices as they relate to gender differences in negotiation.


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